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Langtang Goshainkunda Lake Trek

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Difficulty : Moderate

Reference Code: LGLTNP

Trip Start: Kathmandu

Trek Start: Shyaphrubesi

Trek Days: 15 Days

Age: 12 years to 70 years

Season: Spring and Autumn

Accommodation: Lodge or Camp

Service: Full board

Destination: Nepal

Trip End: Kathmandu

Trek End: Sundarijal

Trip Durations: 18 Days

Physical Rating: Moderate

Group Size: 2-16

Theme: Walking and Observation

Meals: Standard

The legend says while a lama following the run away Yak had found this beautiful valley. "Lang" means Yak (Dang) Tang means to follow. Inhabitants are mostly Tamang, very much similar to Tibetan in their costume and culture. They are more akin to Tibetans than their cousins in the mid hills of Nepal. Though there is no flights, the region is easily accessible from Kathmandu to its proximity. Within short days you are closer to the snowcapped mountains, glaciers and high passes.

Langtang Valley is the short, famous and closest holiday trek from the Capital "Kathmandu". This trek starts by driving from Kathmandu to Shyaphrubesi of 8 to 9 hours drive. The twist and turns of the road, passes, waterfalls, paddy field and villages catches eyes on the way. This trail starts from Shyaphubesi and most of the time runs through the shade of the forest with rhododendrons. On the way, one can find wild bees hive, monkeys etc which will halt the trailers to watch their activities for some moment. Above Lama Hotel snow line starts, and trail becomes quite steep and one can have lots of best view of mountains of Langtang Lerung. Way to Kyanjin Gompa offers the famous Yak cheese factory and the final destination Kyanjin Gompa will provide the best view of mountain range of Langtang region.

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Day 01 Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Namaste! And welcome to Kathmandu, the colourful capital of Nepal where ornately carved balconies mingle with beautiful shrines and temples. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting on arrival at the exit gate of Kathmandu airport. Our staff will welcome you and pick you to your accommodated hotel. Please seek our company palmplate to find our staff at the main exit gate of the airport. Rest of the day you can relax at the hotel or short evening walk around local market on your own as per your wish.

Approximate Driving Hours: 30 minutes
Accommodation: Hotel
Meals include: None

Day 02 Rest and preparation day

A well deserved rest day at cosy of hotel after a long tiring flight. This day, one can move around nearby local market to purchase or hire trekking equipment that is necessary for the trekking like sleeping bags, walking sticks etc, exchange currency as requirement or simply walk around in the local market or Kathmandu Durbar squire nearby with small entrance fee as per your preference on your own. Evening at the hotel lobby there will be pre-trip briefing in which you will be introduced with your trekking guide and explained about your trip in short, instruction for safety etc.

Accommodation: Hotel
Meals include: Breakfast

Day 03 Early morning departure by road to Syabru Besi 1450m

Though the distance is not great, the journey will take us most of the day because of the road conditions. Fascinating market towns, paddy fields and views of the distant peaks, break up the day. Beyond Dhunche is the village of Syabru Besi 1450m, where our road journey ends.

Day 04 Trek to Sherpa Gaon 2500m

Our first days walk starts with a climb out of the river valley to Bhanjyanggaon, from where the route contours along the sunny south facing slopes to Sherpa Goan. This is quite a hard first day, but with the rewards of some stunning views whilst you catch your breath!

Day 05 Trek to Lama Hotel 2480m

An easier day spent mostly contouring along the valley side, to reach Lama Hotel (2480m) and the valley floor.

Day 06 Trek to Langtang 3480m

We follow the Langtang river upstream through a beautiful area of forest, which in the early morning will be alive with bird song. The trunks and branches are festooned with moss and lichen and a variety of unusual wildflowers carpet the forest floor. Every so often, it thins out and we start to get views of the snow-clad peaks in the distance. Once past the checkpoint at Ghora Tabela (2950m), the path becomes gentler as it emerges above the tree line. We are now in a wide, glaciated valley and as we approach the village of Langtang (3480m), where we overnight, waterpowered mani wheels line the path.

Day 07 Trek to Kyangjing Gompa 3900m

Leaving Langtang village and the cultivated land behind, the path traverses glacial debris and dry river beds. By now we are well in among the high peaks and Langtang Lirung (7245m) towers above. We arrive at Kyangjing Gompa(3900m) by lunchtime leaving plenty of time to explore the surrounds of the village, which is settled by people of Tibetan origin. The Tibetan border lies only a few miles to the north of here.

Day 08 Exploring the upper valley

Free day to explore the wonderful surround of the upper valley. Walking further up the valley to Langsisa is one option for the wellacclimatised may climb Kyimosshung, a 4620m peak behind the village, a two to three hour walk up. The views of Langtang Lirung’s face and its glacier below are awesome. Dorje Lakpa and shapely Kangchenpo (Fluted Peak) lie further up the valley and beyond the Tibetan border lies the mighty Shishapangma. Other options are to climb Tserko Ri(4984m.) or Kanging Ri(4773m.) from where one can view extraordinary view of Langtang Range.

Day 09 Backtrack to Ghodetabala 3020m

We backtrack down the valley to Ghoretabela (3020m) where we overnight.

Day 10 Trek to Thulo Syabru Gaon 2200m

Retracing our steps initially, after Lama Hotel we strike new ground, crossing the river to the south bank, which is shaded and forested. The trail is fairly level to start with as we walk along the forested banks of the river. Listen for monkeys, which are often spotted in the area. At the aptly named settlement of Landslide, the path climbs for a short way to reach the village of Thulo Syabru (2200m), which straddles a ridge.

Day 11 Trek to Sing Gompa 3350m

From here begins the real climb of the day, through forests to start with but opening out onto a ridge at 3200m, from where we get new views west to 7406m Ganesh Himal. The settlement of Sing Gompa (3350m), with its monastery and cheese factory, where we overnight.

Day 12 Trek to Gosainkunda Lake 4390m

Today’s trail follows a ridge with a newly created red panda reserve below it but trekkers are more likely to spot the tiny pika or fur-ball mouse hare in these parts. The rhododendron forests thin out as we reach Laurebina Yak (3925m) and the first views of the cluster of lakes at Gosainkunda can be seen. But it is the view to the west in clear weather which steals the show – the Ganesh Himal, Manaslu and even the distant Annapurnas form an impressive panorama. Gosainkunda (4390m) is a place sacred to Hindus who flock here on the August full moon to celebrate the Janai Purnima, with a ritual bathe. Buddhists celebrate the occasion as the day on which Buddha received enlightenment.

Day 13 Contingency day or Gosainkunda rest day

A rest day, or spare day in case we fall behind schedule. It is well worth scrambling 500m up onto the ridge north of the lake for the tremendous views of Langtang and peaks in Tibet.

Day 14 Trek to Tharepati 3505m

A long day trekking through challenging country. We start by climbing to the pass at Surjakund (4640m) then descend gradually through forests of juniper, rhododendron and bamboo, before climbing again to Tharepati (3505m). If we are lucky with the weather, the views today can be superb. Tharepati is a summer grazing settlement that straddles a ridge, from where we get further impressive views of the ranges to the east.

Day 15 Trek to Kutumsang

A steep descent through rhododendron forest to the beautiful sherpa and Tamang village of Kutumsang where we overnight

Day 16 Trek to Chisapani

This day, we walk in a bit up and down village and paddy field path bypassing some rough vehicle road to Chisapani.

Day 17 Trek to Sundarijal and drive to Kathmandu

We finish our trek this morning to Sundarijal, trekking to the trailhead from where we will travel by road back to Kathmandu. Here you can enjoy a well-earned hot shower in our group hotel.

Day 18 Final departure

We say Namaste; for memories that will last a lifetime. There are no activities planned for today and you are able to depart the hotel at any time. Check out time from the hotel is at 12 noon. If you are departing later, you can arrange luggage storage at the hotel. For your final departure, our staff will pick you up from the hotel and transfer to Kathmandu airport approximately 3 hours prior to your international flight time.


Lodge basis
All ground transportation as per itinerary
4 night hotel accommodation in Kathmandu with B/B plan.
½ day sightseeing in Kathmandu valley with English Speaking Cultural guide
TIMs (Trekking Information Management system) card
Langtang National Park and Helambu National Park Entry Fee
Food for the member during the trek( 3 meals a day as per lodge open menu)
Lodge accommodation on twin sharing basis

Medical supplies(First aid Kit will be available)

All required Nepalese staffs (salary, food, clothing, accommodation)

All Nepalese staffs insurance as per Nepalese government rules

Company service charge, VAT and government taxes etc.


Camping basis
All ground transportation as per itinerary
4 night hotel accommodation in Kathmandu with B/B plan.
½ day sightseeing in Kathmandu valley with English Speaking Cultural guide
TIMs (Trekking Information Management system) card
Langtang National Park and Helambu National Park  Entry Fee
Food for the members on camping basis
All camping equipment and camping charges

Medical supplies(First aid Kit will be available)

All required Nepalese staffs (salary, food, clothing, accommodation)

All Nepalese staffs insurance as per Nepalese government rules

Company service charge, VAt and government taxes etc.


International flight with airport tax.
Nepalese Entry Visa fee
Food during stay in Kathmandu
All personal equipment and personal expenses
Photography Charges, Monument charges and Monument entry fees
Personal Medical and travel insurance(must cover helicopter rescue evacuation cost)
Personal Medicine
Telephone and internet charges
Laundry charges
Alcoholic beverage, bottled drinks and cold drinks during the trip
Rescue evacuation charges if required
Staffs and porters Tips...

Equipment List

Clothing and Equipments List
» Pack to pack out - bring enough waterproof bags to carry all non-biodegradable rubbish back down the mountain.
» Remove all unnecessary packaging before leaving home.
» Bring enough warm dry clothes so that you can wrap up rather than burn firewood in the evenings.
» If you are going to trek higher than 5000m or you know it will be cold, buy an aluminum water bottle which can also be used as a hot water bottle at night.
» The easiest way to keep hydrated while trekking is to buy a 1 x liter platypus-drinking bladder to carry in your day pack.
» Make sure to buy proper trekking socks. Don’t buy synthetic socks as these promote sweating and can give you blisters. Always carry a few blister pads in your first aid kit and keep them handy in your day pack.
» Walking poles are very useful while trekking and helpful when descending.
» Please remember that waste disposal and recycling facilitates are limited in Nepal. When buying batteries make sure they are rechargeable and/or high quality so they last longer, and take them home to recycle.

More Lists
There is no definitive list. What you bring will vary according to the area, time of year and the length of your trek. Below is a suggested check list which you should adapt to your own needs. Ask yourself: Will there be snow/how long /high is the trek/are we camping?

» Good quality trekking boots with ankle support
» Lightweight shell/raincoat with hood
» Detachable fleece liner or separate fleece
» Fleece trousers
» Shorts and / or convertibles trousers- quick drying
» Sunglasses
» Sun hat and warm hat(good quality)
» Gloves
» Spare T-shirt x 3
» Sweat towel x 2
» Spare socks x 3 ( walking sock and thin inner sock)
» Small day sack
» Sun cream
» Small water bottle aluminum doubles as a hot water bottle.
» Iodine or water purifying kit,
» Soluble vitamin tablets to taste water or powder fruit drink
» Talcum powder
» Walking sticks or Trekking poles(good quality)
» Camp shoes/trainers/flip flops to wear in evening.
» Spare underwear 3
» Toilet kit
» Tissues
» Pen knife
» Bum bag
» Head torch(good quality)
» Biodegradable washing liquid / soap
» Ear plugs
» Sleeping bag liner(good quality)
» Sleeping bag(good quality-30)
» Bin bag/ gasbag to keep kit dry
» Small towel
» Lip balm
» Available in KTM

Personal First Aid (Aids Kit)
» Antiseptic
» Bandages
» Blister plasters
» Decongestant
» AMS medication like Diamox
» Eye drops – it can get very dusty on trails
» Paracetamol and/or ibuprofen
» Rehydration sachets, Imodium and antibiotics for traveler’s diarrhea
» Scissors
» Sterile dressing
» Sticking plasters and tape
» Throat lozenges / sweets
» Tweezers
» A sewing needle etc.

This trekking equipment list has been prepared by Adventure Zambuling Treks (P) Ltd.

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